Handmade Soap Info — NATURAL SOAP

Top Ten Reasons Why Goat Milk Soap is Good For Your Skin


Top Ten Reasons Why Goat Milk Soap is Good For Your Skin

Top Ten Reasons Why Goat Milk Soap is Good For Your Skin A healthy skin reflects a healthy body. The skin is the largest organ in our body, which protects the internal organs. Most people take the skin for granted and ignore it until some kind of skin problem pops up. Just like you take care of the other parts of your body, the skin also requires special care and nourishment. What you put on your skin has a great impact on its health and appearance. Soap is a product that most of us use on a daily basis to...

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10 Really Cool Benefits of Turmeric Soap


10 Really Cool Benefits of Turmeric Soap

Turmeric Soap is a relatively new phenomena.  Of course people have cooked with turmeric for centuries and applying turmeric to the skin and hair is an age old beauty technique.  But what about everyday use of Turmeric in soap?  What if your everyday face our body wash had the turmeric right in it? Here 10 Really Cool Benefits of Turmeric Soap: Exfoliating - Turmeric is a natural and gentle exfoliant.  It gently scrubs away dead skin cells and allows the new skin to shine through. Antibacterial - Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and...

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